Customer Segmentation Report

Customer segmentation is a way to identify groups of similar customers. Customers can be segmented on a wide variety of characteristics, such as demographic information, purchase behaviour, and attitudes. This template provides an end-to-end report for processing and segmenting customer purchase data using a K-means clustering algorithm. It also includes a snake plot and heatmap to visualize the resulting clusters and feature importance.

The dataset consists of customer data, including purchase recency, frequency, and monetary value. Each row represents a different customer with a distinct customer ID.

1. Loading packages and Inspecting the Data

The code below imports the packages necessary for data manipulation, visualization, pre-processing, and clustering. It also sets up the visualization style and loads in the data.

Finally, it inspects the data types and missing values with the .info() method from pandas.

# Load packages
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

# Set visualization style

# Load the data and replace with your CSV file path
df = pd.read_csv("data/customer_data.csv")

# Preview the data

CustomerID Recency Frequency MonetaryValue
0 12747 3 25 948.70
1 12748 1 888 7046.16
2 12749 4 37 813.45
3 12820 4 17 268.02
4 12822 71 9 146.15
... ... ... ... ...
3638 18280 278 2 38.70
3639 18281 181 2 31.80
3640 18282 8 2 30.70
3641 18283 4 152 432.93
3642 18287 43 15 395.76

3643 rows × 4 columns

# Check columns for data types and missing values
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 3643 entries, 0 to 3642
Data columns (total 4 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------         --------------  -----  
 0   CustomerID     3643 non-null   int64  
 1   Recency        3643 non-null   int64  
 2   Frequency      3643 non-null   int64  
 3   MonetaryValue  3643 non-null   float64
dtypes: float64(1), int64(3)
memory usage: 114.0 KB

2. Exploring the Data

Based on the evaluation above, you can select columns you wish to inspect further. In this template, three columns are selected from the four columns. CustomerID is omitted because it is an identifier and not useful for clustering.

The code below reduces the DataFrame to the columns you wish to cluster on and then prints descriptive statistics using the describe() method from pandas.

Printing descriptive statistics is helpful because K-means clustering has several key assumptions that can be revealed via this exploration:

  1. There is no skewness to the data.
  2. The variables have the same average values.
  3. The variables have the same variance.

If you’d like to learn more about pre-processing data for K-means clustering, you can refer to this video from the course Customer Segmentation in Python.

# Select columns for clustering
columns_for_clustering = ["Recency", "Frequency", "MonetaryValue"]

# Create new DataFrame with clustering variables
df_features = df[columns_for_clustering]

# Print a summary of descriptive statistics

Recency Frequency MonetaryValue
count 3643.00000 3643.000000 3643.000000
mean 90.43563 18.714247 370.694387
std 94.44651 43.754468 1347.443451
min 1.00000 1.000000 0.650000
25% 19.00000 4.000000 58.705000
50% 51.00000 9.000000 136.370000
75% 139.00000 21.000000 334.350000
max 365.00000 1497.000000 48060.350000

The facetgrid() function from seaborn creates a grid of histograms of the data to be clustered. It serves as a further exploration of the data to determine its skew and whether it needs transformation.

# Plot the distributions of the selected variables
g = sns.FacetGrid(
    df_features.melt(),  # Reformat the DataFrame for plotting purposes
    col="variable",  # Split on the 'variable' column created by reformating
    sharey=False,  # Turn off shared y-axis
    sharex=False,  # Turn off shared x-axis
# Apply a histogram to the facet grid, "value")
# Adjust the top of the plots to make room for the title
# Create a title
g.fig.suptitle("Unprocessed Variable Distributions", fontsize=16)


Before proceeding, it is crucial to ensure that all columns selected for clustering are numeric. The following code iterates through the reduced DataFrame and checks whether each column is numeric. If it returns True, then you can proceed with the pre-processing.

all([pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(df_features[col]) for col in columns_for_clustering])

3. Pre-processing the Data

Based on the grids above, if there is a skew, you will have to complete this step which removes the skew and center the variables. This is the case for the placeholder dataset used in this template and will likely be the case for your data.

  • First, a log transformation is applied to the data using the numpy log() function. A log transformation unskews the data in preparation for clustering.
  • Next, the StandardScaler() from sklearn.preprocessing fits and transforms the log-transformed data. This centers and scales the data in further preparation for clustering.
  • Finally, a new DataFrame is created and visualized again to confirm the results.
# Perform a log transformation of the data to unskew the data
df_log = np.log(df_features)

# Initialize a standard scaler and fit it
scaler = StandardScaler()

# Scale and center the data
df_normalized = scaler.transform(df_log)

# Create a pandas DataFrame of the processed data
df_processed = pd.DataFrame(
    data=df_normalized, index=df_features.index, columns=df_features.columns

# Plot the distributions of the selected variables
g = sns.FacetGrid(df_processed.melt(), col="variable"), "value")
g.fig.suptitle("Preprocessed Variable Distributions", fontsize=16)


4. Choosing the Number of Clusters

The next step is to fit a variable number of clusters and plot each cluster’s sum-of-squared errors (SSE). The SSE reflects the sum of squared distances from every data point to the cluster center. The aim is to reduce the SSE while still maintaining a reasonable number of clusters.

By plotting the SSE for each number of clusters, you can identify at what point there are diminishing returns by adding new clusters. This type of plot is called an elbow plot.

In the code below, you can set the maximum number of clusters you want to plot, and then a loop is used to generate the SSE for each number of clusters. Finally, the seaborn function pointplot() plots a curve with each cluster number and SSE. This allows you to identify the ‘elbow’ or point where there are only marginal reductions for each additional cluster.

# Set the maximum number of clusters to plot
max_clusters = 10

# Initialize empty dictionary to store sum of squared errors
sse = {}

# Fit KMeans and calculate SSE for each k
for k in range(1, max_clusters):
    # Initialize KMeans with k clusters
    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=1)
    # Fit KMeans on the normalized dataset
    # Assign sum of squared distances to k element of dictionary
    sse[k] = kmeans.inertia_

# Initialize a figure of set size
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 4))

# Create an elbow plot of SSE values for each key in the dictionary
sns.pointplot(x=list(sse.keys()), y=list(sse.values()))

# Add labels to the plot
plt.title("Elbow Method Plot", fontsize=16)  # Add a title to the plot
plt.xlabel("Number of Clusters")  # Add x-axis label
plt.ylabel("SSE")  # Add y-axis label

# Show the plot


5. Clustering the Data

You can now select an optimal number of clusters based on the elbow plot above by setting k. In this example, k is set to 3.

KMeans() from sklearn.cluster with k clusters is then fit to the processed data, and the cluster labels are extracted and assigned back to the original data. This allows you to inspect raw data by cluster in later steps.

# Choose number of clusters
k = 3

# Initialize KMeans
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, random_state=1) 

# Fit k-means clustering on the normalized data set

# Extract cluster labels
cluster_labels = kmeans.labels_

# Create a new DataFrame by adding a new cluster column to the original data
df_clustered = df.assign(Cluster=cluster_labels)

# Preview the clustered DataFrame

CustomerID Recency Frequency MonetaryValue Cluster
0 12747 3 25 948.70 0
1 12748 1 888 7046.16 0
2 12749 4 37 813.45 0
3 12820 4 17 268.02 0
4 12822 71 9 146.15 2
... ... ... ... ... ...
3638 18280 278 2 38.70 1
3639 18281 181 2 31.80 1
3640 18282 8 2 30.70 1
3641 18283 4 152 432.93 0
3642 18287 43 15 395.76 2

3643 rows × 5 columns

6. Inspecting the Clusters

6a. Visualizing the Raw Values by Cluster

The next step is to analyze the unprocessed data by cluster. The pandas method DataFrame.groupby(), combined with the .size() method, returns the total number of rows per Cluster.

# Group the data by cluster and calculate the total number of rows per group
df_sizes = df_clustered.groupby(["Cluster"], as_index=False).size()

# Inspect the row counts

Cluster size
0 0 901
1 1 1156
2 2 1586

Next, the mean values per cluster are visualized. The data is grouped again, and this time, the pandas method .mean() is used to aggregate the data by cluster and calculate the mean for each variable. Alternatively, the .agg() method can also be used to specify specific aggregations for different columns if necessary. Consult the documentation for further information on the types of aggregations possible.

The seaborn catplot() function visualizes the means per cluster.

# Calculate the mean of feature columns by cluster
df_means = df_clustered.groupby(["Cluster"])[df_features.columns].mean().reset_index()

# Plot the distributions of the selected variables
    data=df_means.melt(id_vars="Cluster"),  # Transform the data to enable plotting

# Add a title
plt.suptitle("Average Values by Cluster", y=1.04, fontsize=16)

# Show the plot


6b. Create a Snake Plot of the Clusters

The next step takes the processed data and visualizes the differences between the clusters using a snake plot. This can be helpful in spotting trends or key differences that would not be visible with the raw data.

# Assign cluster labels to processed DataFrame
df_processed_clustered = df_processed.assign(Cluster=cluster_labels)

# Melt the normalized DataFrame and reset the index
df_processed_melt = pd.melt(
    # Assign the cluster labels as the ID
    # Assign clustering variables as values
    # Name the variable and value

# Change the figure size
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))

# Add label and titles to the plot
plt.title('Snake Plot of Normalized Variables', fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('Average Normalized Value')

# Plot a line for each value of the cluster variable
sns.lineplot(data=df_processed_melt, x='Metric', y='Value', hue='Cluster')


6c. Create a Heatmap of Relative Importance

Another technique to help visualize how each segment is distinct is to plot the relative importance. The code below achieves this by doing the following:

  • First, it calculates the average values for each cluster.
  • Next, it calculates the average values for the total population.
  • It then divides the cluster averages by the population averages and subtracts one.

This provides a relative importance score for each of the different features used for clustering. The seaborn heatmap() function plots these relative importances on a red-to-blue colour scale to help visualize the relative importance of each attribute to the segments.

# Calculate average RFM values for each cluster
cluster_avg = df_clustered.groupby(["Cluster"])[columns_for_clustering].mean()

# Calculate average RFM values for the total customer population
population_avg = df[columns_for_clustering].mean()

# Calculate relative importance of cluster's attribute value compared to the population
relative_imp = cluster_avg / population_avg - 1

# Change the figure size
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))

# Add the plot title
plt.title("Relative importance of attributes", fontsize=16)

# Plot the heatmap
sns.heatmap(data=relative_imp, annot=True, fmt=".2f", cmap=sns.diverging_palette(20, 220, as_cmap=True))


This concludes the report! Hope you find it enjoyable & insightful.

Kishan Mistri
Kishan Mistri
Senior DevOps Engineer

My interest includes designing and deploying large-scale systems while automating small tasks & micro designs. In my extra time, I would like to solve day-to-day data science problems, efficiently deploy, scale & manage ML to convert them to my pet projects or just read about the progress of ML.