Real-time Trends Insights from Tweet Data

1. Local and global thought patterns

While we might not be Twitter fans, we have to admit that it has a huge influence on the world (who doesn't know about Trump's tweets). Twitter data is not only gold in terms of insights, but Twitter-storms are available for analysis in near real-time. This means we can learn about the big waves of thoughts and moods around the world as they arise.

As any place filled with riches, Twitter has security guards blocking us from laying our hands on the data right away ⛔️ Some authentication steps (really straightforward) are needed to call their APIs for data collection. Since our goal today is learning to extract insights from data, we have already gotten a green-pass from security ✅ Our data is ready for usage in the datasets folder — we can concentrate on the fun part! 🕵️‍♀️🌎

Twitter provides both global and local trends. Let's load and inspect data for topics that were hot worldwide (WW) and in the United States (US) at the moment of query — snapshot of JSON response from the call to Twitter's GET trends/place API.

Note: Here is the documentation for this call, and here a full overview on Twitter's APIs.

# Loading json module
import json

# Load WW_trends and US_trends data into the the given variables respectively
WW_trends = json.loads(open('datasets/WWTrends.json').read())
US_trends = json.loads(open('datasets/USTrends.json').read())

Our data was hard to read! Luckily, we can resort to the json.dumps() method to have it formatted as a pretty JSON string.

# Pretty-printing the results. First WW and then US trends.

print("WW trends:")
json.dumps(WW_trends,indent = 1)
Expand Output
WW trends:
    "trends": [
      "name": "#BeratKandili",
      "url": "",
      "promoted_content": null,
      "query": "%23BeratKandili",
      "tweet_volume": 46373
      "name": "#GoodFriday",
      "url": "",
      "promoted_content": null,
      "query": "%23GoodFriday",
      "tweet_volume": 81891
      "name": "#JunquerasACN",
      "url": "",
      "promoted_content": null,
      "query": "%23JunquerasACN",
      "tweet_volume": null
    "as_of": "2019-04-19T08:43:43Z",
    "created_at": "2019-04-19T08:39:15Z",
    "locations": [
      "name": "Worldwide",
      "woeid": 1
print("\n", "US trends:")
json.dumps(US_trends,indent = 1)
Expand Output
US trends:
    "trends": [
      "name": "#WeLoveTheEarth",
      "url": "",
      "promoted_content": null,
      "query": "%23WeLoveTheEarth",
      "tweet_volume": 159698
      "name": "#DragRace",
      "url": "",
      "promoted_content": null,
      "query": "%23DragRace",
      "tweet_volume": 37166
      "name": "#WeirdDateStories",
      "url": "",
      "promoted_content": null,
      "query": "%23WeirdDateStories",
      "tweet_volume": null
      "name": "#HustleAndSoul",
      "url": "",
      "promoted_content": null,
      "query": "%23HustleAndSoul",
      "tweet_volume": null
      "name": "#fridaymotivation",
      "url": "",
      "promoted_content": null,
      "query": "%23fridaymotivation",
      "tweet_volume": null
    "as_of": "2019-04-19T08:43:43Z",
    "created_at": "2019-04-19T08:39:15Z",
    "locations": [
      "name": "United States",
      "woeid": 23424977

🕵️‍♀️ From the pretty-printed results (output of the previous task), we can observe that:

  • We have an array of trend objects having: the name of the trending topic, the query parameter that can be used to search for the topic on Twitter-Search, the search URL and the volume of tweets for the last 24 hours, if available. (The trends get updated every 5 mins.)

  • At query time #BeratKandili, #GoodFriday and #WeLoveTheEarth were trending WW.

  • "tweet_volume" tell us that #WeLoveTheEarth was the most popular among the three.

  • Results are not sorted by "tweet_volume".

  • There are some trends which are unique to the US.

It’s easy to skim through the two sets of trends and spot common trends, but let's not do "manual" work. We can use Python’s set data structure to find common trends — we can iterate through the two trends objects, cast the lists of names to sets, and call the intersection method to get the common names between the two sets.

# Extracting all the WW trend names from WW_trends
world_trends = set([WW_trends[0]['trends'][i]['name'] for i in range(len(WW_trends[0]['trends']))])

# Extracting all the US trend names from US_trends
us_trends =  set([US_trends[0]['trends'][i]['name'] for i in range(len(US_trends[0]['trends']))])

# Getting the intersection of the two sets of trends
common_trends = world_trends.intersection(us_trends)

# Inspecting the data
Expand Output
   'Berat Kandilimiz',
   'Derrick White',
   'Hemant Karkare',
   'Lil Dicky',
   'Lyra McKee',
   'Priyanka Chaturvedi',
   'Shiv Sena',
   'örgütdeğil arkadaşgrubu',
Expand Output
   'David Fletcher',
   'Derrick White',
   'Game 6',
   'George Conway',
   'Kazuo Koike',
   'Kevin Durant',
   'Lil Dicky',
   'Lone Wolf and Cub',
   'Lyra McKee',
   'Mike Anderson',
   'Seth Abramson',
   'Shy Glizzy',
   'Tomas Hertl',
print (len(common_trends), "common trends:", common_trends)
Expand Output

\\\\ 11 common trends: {'#ConCalmaRemix', '#BLACKPINKxCorden', 'Derry', 'Lil Dicky', 'Derrick White', '#WeLoveTheEarth', '#DragRace', '#AFLNorthDons', 'Lyra McKee', '#NRLBulldogsSouths', '#DinahJane1'} \\\\\

4. Exploring the hot trend

🕵️‍♀️ From the intersection (last output) we can see that, out of the two sets of trends (each of size 50), we have 11 overlapping topics. In particular, there is one common trend that sounds very interesting: #WeLoveTheEarth — so good to see that Twitteratis are unanimously talking about loving Mother Earth! 💚

Note: We could have had no overlap or a much higher overlap; when we did the query for getting the trends, people in the US could have been on fire obout topics only relevant to them.

Image Source:Official Music Video Cover:

We have found a hot-trend, #WeLoveTheEarth. Now let's see what story it is screaming to tell us!
If we query Twitter's search API with this hashtag as query parameter, we get back actual tweets related to it. We have the response from the search API stored in the datasets folder as 'WeLoveTheEarth.json'. So let's load this dataset and do a deep dive in this trend.

# Loading the data
tweets = json.loads(open('datasets/WeLoveTheEarth.json').read())

# Inspecting some tweets
Expand Output
  [{'created_at': 'Fri Apr 19 08:46:48 +0000 2019',
    'id': 1119160405270523904,
    'id_str': '1119160405270523904',
    'text': 'RT @lildickytweets: 🌎 out now #WeLoveTheEarth',
    'truncated': False,
    'entities': {'hashtags': [{'text': 'WeLoveTheEarth', 'indices': [30, 45]}],
     'symbols': [],
     'user_mentions': [{'screen_name': 'lildickytweets',
       'name': 'LD',
       'id': 1209516660,
       'id_str': '1209516660',
       'indices': [3, 18]}],
     'urls': [{'url': '',
       'expanded_url': '',
       'display_url': '',
       'indices': [46, 69]}]},
    'metadata': {'iso_language_code': 'en', 'result_type': 'recent'},
    'source': '<a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for Android</a>',
    'in_reply_to_status_id': None,
    'in_reply_to_status_id_str': None,
    'in_reply_to_user_id': None,
    'in_reply_to_user_id_str': None,
    'in_reply_to_screen_name': None,
    'user': {'id': 212375312,
     'id_str': '212375312',
     'name': 'fake smile',
     'screen_name': 'Pati95Poland',
     'location': 'SWAGLAND   ',
     'description': "''you just got knocked the fuck out''",
     'url': '',
     'entities': {'url': {'urls': [{'url': '',
         'expanded_url': '',
         'display_url': '',
         'indices': [0, 23]}]},
      'description': {'urls': []}},
     'protected': False,
     'followers_count': 2306,
     'friends_count': 697,
     'listed_count': 28,
     'created_at': 'Fri Nov 05 22:25:29 +0000 2010',
     'favourites_count': 5552,
     'utc_offset': None,
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     'geo_enabled': True,
     'verified': False,
     'statuses_count': 185750,
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    'retweeted_status': {'created_at': 'Fri Apr 19 04:22:29 +0000 2019',
     'id': 1119093888524754946,
     'id_str': '1119093888524754946',
     'text': '🌎 out now #WeLoveTheEarth',
     'truncated': False,
     'entities': {'hashtags': [{'text': 'WeLoveTheEarth', 'indices': [10, 25]}],
      'symbols': [],
      'user_mentions': [],
      'urls': [{'url': '',
        'expanded_url': '',
        'display_url': '',
        'indices': [26, 49]}]},
     'metadata': {'iso_language_code': 'en', 'result_type': 'recent'},
     'source': '<a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter Web Client</a>',
     'in_reply_to_status_id': None,
     'in_reply_to_status_id_str': None,
     'in_reply_to_user_id': None,
     'in_reply_to_user_id_str': None,
     'in_reply_to_screen_name': None,
     'user': {'id': 1209516660,
      'id_str': '1209516660',
      'name': 'LD',
      'screen_name': 'lildickytweets',
      'location': 'Earth',
      'description': 'Rapper/Actor/Comedian/Model #WeLoveTheEarth',
      'url': '',
      'entities': {'url': {'urls': [{'url': '',
          'expanded_url': '',
          'display_url': '',
          'indices': [0, 23]}]},
       'description': {'urls': []}},
      'protected': False,
      'followers_count': 503111,
      'friends_count': 945,
      'listed_count': 657,
      'created_at': 'Fri Feb 22 19:06:15 +0000 2013',
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   {'created_at': 'Fri Apr 19 08:46:48 +0000 2019',
    'id': 1119160404876206080,
    'id_str': '1119160404876206080',
    'text': '💚🌎💚  #WeLoveTheEarth 👇🏼',
    'truncated': False,
    'entities': {'hashtags': [{'text': 'WeLoveTheEarth', 'indices': [5, 20]}],
     'symbols': [],
     'user_mentions': [],
     'urls': []},
    'metadata': {'iso_language_code': 'und', 'result_type': 'recent'},
    'source': '<a href="" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPhone</a>',
    'in_reply_to_status_id': None,
    'in_reply_to_status_id_str': None,
    'in_reply_to_user_id': None,
    'in_reply_to_user_id_str': None,
    'in_reply_to_screen_name': None,
    'user': {'id': 72150460,
     'id_str': '72150460',
     'name': 'Alfonsina del Mar (Dianishka Prietishka)',
     'screen_name': 'Diana____X',
     'location': 'México',
     'description': '☸︎ ⚓︎ 👩🏻\u200d✈️ ★★★★ ♒︎',
     'url': None,
     'entities': {'description': {'urls': []}},
     'protected': False,
     'followers_count': 223,
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     'created_at': 'Sun Sep 06 23:26:24 +0000 2009',
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    'lang': 'und'}]

5. Digging deeper

🕵️‍♀️ Printing the first two tweet items makes us realize that there’s a lot more to a tweet than what we normally think of as a tweet — there is a lot more than just a short text!

But hey, let's not get overwhemled by all the information in a tweet object! Let's focus on a few interesting fields and see if we can find any hidden insights there.

# Extracting the text of all the tweets from the tweet object
texts = [tweet['text'] for tweet in tweets]

# Extracting screen names of users tweeting about #WeLoveTheEarth
names = [user_mentions['screen_name'] for tweet in tweets for user_mentions in tweet['entities']['user_mentions']]

# Extracting all the hashtags being used when talking about this topic
hashtags = [hashtag['text'] for tweet in tweets for hashtag in tweet['entities']['hashtags']]

# Inspecting the first 10 results
print(json.dumps(texts[0:10], indent=1),"\n")
Expand Output
   "RT @lildickytweets: \ud83c\udf0e out now #WeLoveTheEarth",
   "\ud83d\udc9a\ud83c\udf0e\ud83d\udc9a  #WeLoveTheEarth \ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc",
   "RT @cabeyoomoon: Ta piosenka to bop,  wpada w ucho  i dochody z niej id\u0105 na dobry cel,  warto s\u0142ucha\u0107 w k\u00f3\u0142ko i w k\u00f3\u0142ko gdziekolwiek si\u0119 ty\u2026",
   "#WeLoveTheEarth \nCzemu ja si\u0119 pop\u0142aka\u0142am",
   "RT @Spotify: This is epic. @lildickytweets got @justinbieber, @arianagrande, @halsey, @sanbenito, @edsheeran, @SnoopDogg, @ShawnMendes, @Kr\u2026",
   "RT @biebercentineo: Justin : are we gonna die? \nLil dicky: you know bieber we might die \n\nBTCH IM CRYING #EARTH #WeLoveTheEarth #WELOVEEART\u2026",
   "RT @dreamsiinflate: #WeLoveTheEarth \u201ci am a fat fucking pig\u201d okay brendon urie",
   "Literally no one:\n\nMe in the past 4 hours:\n\nI'm a koala and I sleep all the time, so what, it's cute \ud83c\udfb6\n\n#WeLoveTheEarth #EdSheeranTheKoala",
   "RT @Yuuupthatsme: Mia\u0142e\u015b by\u0107 \u017cyraf\u0105 #WeLoveTheEarth",
   "RT @jaguareffects: eu prestando aten\u00e7\u00e3o no \u00e1udio pra identificar cada artista\n\n#WeLoveTheEarth"
json.dumps(names[0:10], indent=1)
Expand Output
  '[\n "lildickytweets",\n "cabeyoomoon",\n "Spotify",\n "lildickytweets",\n "justinbieber",\n "ArianaGrande",\n "halsey",\n "sanbenito",\n "edsheeran",\n "SnoopDogg"\n]'
json.dumps(hashtags[0:10], indent=1)
Expand Output
  '[\n "WeLoveTheEarth",\n "WeLoveTheEarth",\n "WeLoveTheEarth",\n "EARTH",\n "WeLoveTheEarth",\n "WeLoveTheEarth",\n "WeLoveTheEarth",\n "EdSheeranTheKoala",\n "WeLoveTheEarth",\n "WeLoveTheEarth"\n]'

6. Frequency analysis

🕵️‍♀️ Just from the first few results of the last extraction, we can deduce that:

  • We are talking about a song about loving the Earth.
  • A lot of big artists are the forces behind this Twitter wave, especially Lil Dicky.
  • Ed Sheeran was some cute koala in the song — "EdSheeranTheKoala" hashtag! 🐨

Observing the first 10 items of the interesting fields gave us a sense of the data. We can now take a closer look by doing a simple, but very useful, exercise — computing frequency distributions. Starting simple with frequencies is generally a good approach; it helps in getting ideas about how to proceed further.

# Importing modules
from collections import Counter

# Counting occcurrences/ getting frequency dist of all names and hashtags
for item in [names, hashtags]:
    c = Counter(item)
    # Inspecting the 10 most common items in c
    print (c.most_common(10), "\n")
Expand Output
  [('lildickytweets', 102), ('LeoDiCaprio', 44), ('ShawnMendes', 33), ('halsey', 31), ('ArianaGrande', 30), ('justinbieber', 29), ('Spotify', 26), ('edsheeran', 26), ('sanbenito', 25), ('SnoopDogg', 25)] 
  [('WeLoveTheEarth', 313), ('4future', 12), ('19aprile', 12), ('EARTH', 11), ('fridaysforfuture', 10), ('EarthMusicVideo', 3), ('ConCalmaRemix', 3), ('Earth', 3), ('aliens', 2), ('AvengersEndgame', 2)] 

7. Activity around the trend

🕵️‍♀️ Based on the last frequency distributions we can further build-up on our deductions:

  • We can more safely say that this was a music video about Earth (hashtag 'EarthMusicVideo') by Lil Dicky.
  • DiCaprio is not a music artist, but he was involved as well (Leo is an environmentalist so not a surprise to see his name pop up here).
  • We can also say that the video was released on a Friday; very likely on April 19th.

We have been able to extract so many insights. Quite powerful, isn't it?!

Let's further analyze the data to find patterns in the activity around the tweets — did all retweets occur around a particular tweet?

If a tweet has been retweeted, the 'retweeted_status' field gives many interesting details about the original tweet itself and its author.

We can measure a tweet's popularity by analyzing the retweetcount and favoritecount fields. But let's also extract the number of followers of the tweeter — we have a lot of celebs in the picture, so can we tell if their advocating for #WeLoveTheEarth influenced a significant proportion of their followers?

Note: The retweet_count gives us the total number of times the original tweet was retweeted. It should be the same in both the original tweet and all the next retweets. Tinkering around with some sample tweets and the official documentaiton are the way to get your head around the mnay fields.

# Extracting useful information from retweets
# tweets[0]['text']
retweets = [(tweet['retweet_count'], tweet['retweeted_status']['favorite_count'], tweet['retweeted_status']['user']['followers_count'], tweet['retweeted_status']['user']['screen_name'], tweet['text']) for tweet in tweets if 'retweeted_status' in tweet]
Expand Output
    'RT @lildickytweets: 🌎 out now #WeLoveTheEarth'),
    'RT @cabeyoomoon: Ta piosenka to bop,  wpada w ucho  i dochody z niej idą na dobry cel,  warto słuchać w kółko i w kółko gdziekolwiek się ty…'),
    'RT @Spotify: This is epic. @lildickytweets got @justinbieber, @arianagrande, @halsey, @sanbenito, @edsheeran, @SnoopDogg, @ShawnMendes, @Kr…'),
    'RT @biebercentineo: Justin : are we gonna die? \nLil dicky: you know bieber we might die \n\nBTCH IM CRYING #EARTH #WeLoveTheEarth #WELOVEEART…'),
    'RT @dreamsiinflate: #WeLoveTheEarth “i am a fat fucking pig” okay brendon urie'),
    'RT @Yuuupthatsme: Miałeś być żyrafą #WeLoveTheEarth'),
    'RT @MendesNotified: shawn reading his line for the song #WeLoveTheEarth:'),
    'RT @TJOfficial_: We love the earth it is our planet 🌍 🎶 #WeLoveTheEarth It’s so beautiful.'),
    'RT @kingoftheclout: STOP SCROLLING AND WATCH THIS VIDEO‼️ please take some time out of your day to watch this video &amp; possibly share it. it…')]

8. A table that speaks a 1000 words

Let's manipulate the data further and visualize it in a better and richer way — "looks matter!"

# Importing modules
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

# Create a DataFrame and visualize the data in a pretty and insightful format
df = pd.DataFrame(retweets, columns=['Retweets','Favorites', 'Followers', 'ScreenName', 'Text'])

df = df.groupby(['ScreenName','Text','Followers']).sum().sort_values(by = ['Followers'],ascending=[False])
Expand Output
Tweets Object Retweets Favorites
(‘katyperry’, ‘RT @katyperry: Sure, the Mueller report is out, but @lildickytweets’ “Earth” but will be too tonight. Don't say I never tried to save the w…’, 107195569) 2338 10557
(‘katyperry’, ‘RT @katyperry: Sure, the Mueller report is out, but @lildickytweets’ “Earth” but will be too tonight. Don't say I never tried to save the w…’, 107195568) 2338 10556
(‘TheEllenShow’, ‘RT @TheEllenShow: .@lildickytweets, @justinbieber, @MileyCyrus, @katyperry, @ArianaGrande and more, all in one music video. My head might e…’, 77474826) 2432 10086
(‘LeoDiCaprio’, ‘RT @LeoDiCaprio: The @dicapriofdn partners that will benefit from this collaboration include @SharkRayFund, @SolutionsProj, @GreengrantsFun…’, 18988898) 28505 78137
(‘LeoDiCaprio’, ‘RT @LeoDiCaprio: Thank you to @lildickytweets and all the artists that came together to make this happen. Net profits from the song, video,…’, 18988898) 149992 416018
(‘halsey’, ‘RT @halsey: 🐯🐯🐯 meeeeeeeow 👅 #WeLoveTheEarth', 10564842) 7742 69684
(‘halsey’, ‘RT @halsey: 🐯🐯🐯 meeeeeeeow 👅 #WeLoveTheEarth', 10564841) 7742 69682
(‘scooterbraun’, ‘RT @scooterbraun: Watch #EARTH NOW! #WeLoveTheEarth —', 3885179) 5925 14635
(‘Spotify’, ‘RT @Spotify: This is epic. @lildickytweets got @justinbieber, @arianagrande, @halsey, @sanbenito, @edsheeran, @SnoopDogg, @ShawnMendes, @Kr…’, 2973277) 107222 237259
(‘TomHall’, ‘RT @TomHall: 🐆\n\nLook Out!\n\n🐆\n\n#Cheetah @LeoDiCaprio #FridayFeeling #WeLoveTheEarth \n\n’, 590841) 82 252
(‘lildickytweets’, ‘RT @lildickytweets: Earth. 4/18 at 9PM PST. #WeLoveTheEarth pre-save link in my bio', 503112) 25098 90974
(‘lildickytweets’, ‘RT @lildickytweets: 🌎 out now #WeLoveTheEarth', 503112) 112230 199773
(‘lildickytweets’, ‘RT @lildickytweets: 🌎 out now #WeLoveTheEarth', 503111) 119712 213072
(‘greenpeacefr’, ‘RT @greenpeacefr: Happening NOW in France : today, to show how much #WeLoveTheEarth, more than 2000 citizens are blocking the headquarters…’, 420789) 128 192
(‘rlthingy’, ‘RT @rlthingy: /rlt/ YO GUYS LISTEN TO THIS SONGGGGG #WeLoveTheEarth', 225977) 11 23
(‘SB_Projects’, ‘RT @SB_Projects: #WeLoveTheEarth out now with @lildickytweets, @justinbieber, @ArianaGrande, @zacbrownband, and 25+ of your other faves htt…’, 98418) 271 730
(‘biebernovidade’, ‘RT @biebernovidade: Rio de Janeiro: PRESENTE! #WeLoveTheEarth', 83281) 651 1499
(‘MendesCrewInfo’, ‘RT @MendesCrewInfo: .@ShawnMendes represents rhinos in the ‘Earth’ music video and feature. His line, “We’re just some rhinos, horny as hec…’, 61015) 2815 9599
(‘shawnxniallx’, ‘RT @shawnxniallx: La gente piensa que el calentamiento global no es real, ya abran los ojos y actuemos de una manera real, dime ¿qué te cue…’, 53713) 812 1254
(‘shawnxniallx’, ‘RT @shawnxniallx: La humanidad es un asco y nunca me cansaré de decirlos ¿no creen que es momento de cambiar? Salvemos nuestro planeta, sal…’, 53713) 604 1034
(‘shawnxniallx’, ‘RT @shawnxniallx: Vengo a recomendarles a todos esta miniserie que realizó Netflix, en la cual nos muestra cada parte de las especies, lo q…’, 53713) 138 299
(‘shawnxniallx’, ‘RT @shawnxniallx: Espero que con este video se pueda crear un poco más de conciencia propia, simeplemnte estamos acabando con nuestro plane…’, 53713) 300 494
(‘SMendesQandA’, ‘RT @SMendesQandA: #WeLoveTheEarth', 53282) 56 339
(‘SMendesQandA’, ‘RT @SMendesQandA: Let’s help save the Earth. We’re the ones with the power of change. 🌍 #WeLoveTheEarth’, 53282) 122 343
(‘SMendesQandA’, ‘RT @SMendesQandA: So you can basically say you have a song with many of the artists we have asked you to collaborate with…smart move mend…’, 53282) 116 717
(‘SMendesQandA’, ‘RT @SMendesQandA: “We’re just some rhinos, horny as heck” — Shawn’s part on #WeLoveTheEarth’, 53282) 244 1420
(‘SMendesQandA’, ‘RT @SMendesQandA: “We’re just some rhinos horny as heck” — Shawn Mendes #WeLoveTheEarth', 53282) 768 3309
(‘ShawnUpdatesSA’, “RT @ShawnUpdatesSA: Shawn Mendes: rinocerontes.\n#WeLoveTheEarth\n\n’La población de rinocerontes negros está casi extinta, y las otras cuatro…”, 52424) 850 1807
(‘gtbriel’, ‘RT @gtbriel: vimos o cu do justin bieber\n\nlogo em seguida a ariana sair do cu do justin \n\ne logo em seguuda a ariana sendo morta pela halse…’, 49215) 581 970
(‘MileySmilerNews’, ‘RT @MileySmilerNews: Miley’s cameo in the Earth song is so cute #WeLoveTheEarth', 47840) 15 116
(‘ArianatorFallen’, ‘RT @ArianatorFallen: Ariana vocals had saved the earth . This song is so important #WeLoveTheEarth', 44426) 84 258
(‘MendesNotified’, ‘RT @MendesNotified: Rhinos - Shawn Mendes🦏🖤\n“The black rhino population is nearly extinct, and the four other species of rhinos found in Af…’, 39726) 258 858
(‘MendesNotified’, ‘RT @MendesNotified: shawn reading his line for the song #WeLoveTheEarth:', 39726) 2465 10475
(‘badweputation’, ‘RT @badweputation: n adianta vcs comentarem sobre a importância da preservação hj e amanhã já esquecerem e tbm lembrando q o atual presiden…’, 38787) 119 183
(‘isbreakls’, ‘RT @isbreakls: Queria dizer que na música do Lil Dicky tem 28 artistas incríveis mais quem eu amo mesmo é um babuíno chamado Justin Bieber.…’, 37473) 95 215
(‘isbreakls’, ‘RT @isbreakls: A música e o clipe tá incrível vamos espalhar o verdadeiro motivo da música que é fazer com que as pessoas pensem nos seus a…’, 37473) 684 1068
(‘NoticiasSmilers’, ‘RT @NoticiasSmilers: Soy un elefante, tengo basura en mi trompa. -Pequeño cameo de Miley en la canción Earth de Lil Dicky- #WeLoveTheEarth…’, 32649) 7 4
(‘ThrowbacksBTS’, ‘RT @ThrowbacksBTS: Friendly reminder to use less plastic, recycle and contribute in some way to benefit humanity. The world is dying we nee…’, 32498) 370 816
(‘btsargento’, ‘RT @btsargento: ▪ estas son varias cosas que podemos hacer para construir un planeta mejor, sin contaminación y un lugar donde todos aporte…’, 31453) 67 143
(‘biebersmaniabrs’, ‘RT @biebersmaniabrs: SAIU! Ouçam e assistam “Earth”, música de Lil Dicky com Justin Bieber e mais 29 artistas. 🌏🎶\n\nVideo:…’, 26097) 341 463
(‘landsrauhl’, ‘RT @landsrauhl: I loved what lil dicky did. There’s so many popular artists on the track which hopefully means more of a variety of people…’, 25071) 128 306
(‘biebsrell’, ‘RT @biebsrell: J: ¿Vamos a morir?\nL: ¿Sabes qué, Bieber? Podríamos morir. No voy a mentirte. Quiero decir, hay mucha gente ahí afuera que n…’, 23301) 730 1344
(‘ShawnNewsPoland’, ‘RT @ShawnNewsPoland: “We’re just some rhinos, horny as heck” — Shawna tekst w piosence #WeLoveTheEarth', 22067) 97 523
(‘ShawnNewsPoland’, ‘RT @ShawnNewsPoland: Wyjaśnienie tekstu Shawna #WeLoveTheEarth', 22067) 105 440
(‘ShawnNewsPoland’, ‘RT @ShawnNewsPoland: Słuchajcie wszędzie gdzie się da! #WeLoveTheEarth dochód z piosenki zostanie przekazany fundacji założonej przez DiCap…’, 22067) 4410 8720
(‘NLiddle16’, ‘RT @NLiddle16: #Earth isn’t supposed to break records or chart. This song is to bring awareness. We have to change now. We have to love mor…’, 21180) 27 134
(‘ArianaRenewsFR’, ‘RT @ArianaRenewsFR: #WeLoveTheEarth est maintenant disponible sur toutes les plateformes ! \n\nYouTube :\n\niTunes : ht…’, 20794) 5 20
(‘iBeliebersMx’, ‘RT @iBeliebersMx: Justin: ¿Vamos a morir?\n\nLil Dicky: “Sabes Bieber… podemos morir. No te voy a mentir a ti, hay muchas personas que pien…’, 19745) 2236 3872
(‘JBCrewdotcom’, ‘RT @JBCrewdotcom: #WeLoveTheEarth Merchandise available to purchase with proceeds going to The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation dedicated to th…’, 17812) 89 186
(‘dimplecabello’, ‘RT @dimplecabello: “¿Que vamos a defender? El amor. Y nosotros amamos la tierra.” Este video es precioso, últimamente estamos dañando tanto…’, 17590) 286 445
(‘TeamAGPoland’, ‘RT @TeamAGPoland: Utwór “Earth” jest już dostępny! Ariana wcieliła się w postać zebry, a cały dochód ze sprzedaży utworu zostanie przekazan…’, 17157) 44 142
(‘bieberpakiss’, ‘RT @bieberpakiss: HI IM A BABOON IM LIKE A MAN JUST LESS ADVANCED AND MY ANUS IS HUGE #WeLoveTheEarth', 16288) 148 286
(‘yourbiebernews’, ‘RT @yourbiebernews: Justin Bieber: Baboon\n\n#WeLoveTheEarth', 14121) 198 404
(‘bizzleslovej’, ‘RT @bizzleslovej: Parliamo di Leo DiCaprio che entra in scena sulla nave del Titanic stile Jack #WeLoveTheEarth', 13151) 5 8
(‘needyellie’, ‘RT @needyellie: please keep steaming this song, all proceeds go to an extremely important cause. save planet earth!!\n#WeLoveTheEarth https:…’, 10319) 1240 2884
(‘gladwithmyidols’, ‘RT @gladwithmyidols: So… Halsey killed Ariana #WeLoveTheEarth', 9987) 23 91
(‘TJOfficial*’, ‘RT @TJOfficial*: We love the earth it is our planet 🌍 🎶 #WeLoveTheEarth It’s so beautiful.’, 9693) 6 12
(‘MCyrusforever’, ‘RT @MCyrusforever: Cały dochód z tej piosenki trafi do fundacji Leonardo DiCaprio, poświęconej ochronie i dobrobytowi wszystkich mieszkań…’, 9680) 46 79
(‘MCyrusforever’, ‘RT @MCyrusforever: Ten teledysk jest świetny, a piosenka ma naprawdę bardzo ważne przesłanie 🌎🌱 #WeLoveTheEarth’, 9680) 1 5
(‘justinxrespect’, ‘RT @justinxrespect: “are we gonna die” ay loco. #WeLoveTheEarth', 9257) 9 21
(‘cyruseyes*’, ‘RT @cyruseyes*: Qui non stiamo parlando abbastanza di Leonardo DiCaprio e di questa scena \n#WeLoveTheEarth', 9148) 22 148
(‘cyruseyes*’, ‘RT @cyruseyes*: Questo video deve diventare un film. Il messaggio arriverebbe veramente a tutti. @ Disney sai cosa fare \n#WeLoveTheEarth ht…’, 9148) 10 52
(‘ChartBTS’, ‘RT @ChartBTS: “We love the earth it is our planet \nWe love the earth it is our home” \n\nARMYs, support this important cause, it is our home…’, 8527) 705 1731
(‘MileyDimension’, ‘RT @MileyDimension: I think everyone should see this! \nIt is about time to do something. #WeLoveTheEarth \n’, 7745) 645 969
(‘cabeyoomoon’, ‘RT @cabeyoomoon: Ta piosenka to bop, wpada w ucho i dochody z niej idą na dobry cel, warto słuchać w kółko i w kółko gdziekolwiek się ty…’, 7732) 9 23
(‘stonyproud’, ‘RT @stonyproud: agora que percebi que o clipe todo foi no cu do Justin pqp que cu arrombado #WeLoveTheEarth', 7728) 49 115
(‘hoe4exhoee’, “RT @hoe4exhoee: Lil Dicky - Earth (Official Music Video) \n\nKRIS WU’s PART IS ON 5:43. It is short but I’m so glad…”, 6870) 10 8
(‘KCUnidosBR’, ‘RT @KCUnidosBR: Quem diria em KatyCats? 2 músicas no mesmo dia #ConCalmaRemix #WeLoveTheEarth', 6458) 59 96
(‘Ari_grandeJP’, ‘RT @Ari_grandeJP: . @lildickytweets の\n新曲 #EARTH が公開されました💙🌏\n\nアリアナはシマウマとして参加してます!👀💗✨\n\n #WeLoveTheEarth', 6141) 44 306
(‘becauseihadyou’, ‘RT @becauseihadyou: Don’t know why people are being nasty about ‘Earth’. It’s not a song meant to chart or break records, it’s to raise awa…’, 5647) 2484 6444
(‘biebersmybro’, ‘RT @biebersmybro: beliebers are promoting the song the hardest lol wbk we are the best fandom ever #WeLoveTheEarth’, 5314) 14 49
(‘biebersmybro’, ‘RT @biebersmybro: WE FINALLY HEARD JUSTIN AND ARIANA IN ONE SONG #WeLoveTheEarth', 5314) 350 996
(‘imagiwation’, ‘RT @imagiwation: entre tanta coisa ruim e tóxica que tá tendo ultimamente a gente tem a chance de se unir por uma causa boa, então não vamo…’, 5208) 88 129
(‘triedsadlonel’, ‘RT @triedsadlonel: piosenka mega mi sie podoba,taka fajna wesoła(pod katem melodii) natomiast calosc mnie hitnela mocno,bo to serio jest pr…’, 4941) 10 34
(‘triedsadlonel’, ‘RT @triedsadlonel: kiedy kazdy byl przekonany ze Shawn bedzie żyrafa a tu jeb nosorożcem #WeLoveTheEarth’, 4941) 1 10
(‘neznayuchtotut’, ‘RT @neznayuchtotut: вау, так много артистов объединились, чтобы поднять насущную проблему нашей планеты о том, что ее нужно защищать и люби…’, 4621) 8 150
(‘demisfakesmile’, ‘RT @demisfakesmile: stream. stream. stream this song. its for a good cause, let’s save the earth 🌍 💙💚 #WeLoveTheEarth…’, 4421) 504 984
(‘SoundOfSeries’, “RT @SoundOfSeries: #INFOSOS : \n’WeLoveTheEarth’ est disponible sur YouTube. Le but de cette chanson n’est pas de devenir le tube de l’été,…”, 4393) 80 72
(‘carawcciolo’, ‘RT @carawcciolo: Halsey zjada Ariane na śniadanie (koloryzowane) 😅 #WeLoveTheEarth', 4246) 63 194
(‘gcldendays’, ‘RT @gcldendays: Be careful who you call ugly in middle school 😉\n#WeLoveTheEarth', 4122) 394 1698
(‘gcldendays’, ‘RT @gcldendays: No one: \nNot even a soul:\n\nMe:\n#WeLoveTheEarth', 4122) 408 1189
(‘biebercentineo’, ‘RT @biebercentineo: Justin : are we gonna die? \nLil dicky: you know bieber we might die \n\nBTCH IM CRYING #EARTH #WeLoveTheEarth #WELOVEEART…’, 4038) 1551 3555
(‘biebercentineo’, ‘RT @biebercentineo: THIS SONG IS SO GOOD 😭 #EARTH #WeLoveTheEarth', 4038) 79 215
(‘Bizzbiebsz’, ‘RT @Bizzbiebsz: So after so many years we finally got Justin x Arina collab and they even gave us zebra and baboon\n\nStream #WeloveTheEarth…’, 3889) 297 879
(‘jvkejams’, ‘RT @jvkejams: I feel like the song will showcase the animals in a very comedic way (bc its how most lil dicky’s songs are) to raise awarene…’, 3861) 20 104
(‘larryxcolours’, ‘RT @larryxcolours: ¿Cómo pueden ayudar a la organización? \n-Compren la mercancia, las ganancias irán directamente para ayudar a la tierra.…’, 3766) 330 612
(‘sitevolts’, ‘RT @sitevolts: CROSSOVER MAIOR QUE VINGADORES 😵 Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, Halsey, Sia, Ed Sheeran, Meghan Trainor e Miley C…’, 3707) 130 366
(‘JDBieberPol’, ‘RT @JDBieberPol: Gwiazdy jako zwierzęta w teledysku #Earth #WeLoveTheEarth', 3475) 34 99
(‘nervous_taste’, ‘RT @nervous_taste: Have u thought that we will have:\n\nSHAWN MENDES FT ARIANA GRANDE \nSHAWN MENDES FT JUSTIN BIEBER \nSHAWN MENDES FT HALSEY…’, 3283) 2 9
(‘nervous_taste’, ‘RT @nervous_taste: Shawn isn’t the giraffe \n\n#WeLoveTheEarth', 3283) 2 0
(‘nopromisesv’, ‘RT @nopromisesv: A ogólnie sam teledysk jest świetny, nie spodziewałam się tego #WeLoveTheEarth’, 3283) 7 77
(‘INLOVEWITHDS’, ‘RT @INLOVEWITHDS: Questo video è semplicemente spettacolare e il messaggio che vuole trasmettere è bellissimo\nwow non ho parole\nTutti gli a…’, 3153) 14 49
(‘agbkissy’, ‘RT @agbkissy: all of yall saying earth is a bad song are immature… its not supposed to be the next big hit, it was made to spread awarene…’, 3098) 584 1356
(‘dreamsiinflate’, ‘RT @dreamsiinflate: #WeLoveTheEarth “i am a fat fucking pig” okay brendon urie', 3045) 1107 3426
(‘dreamsiinflate’, ‘RT @dreamsiinflate: #WeLoveTheEarth they are all these informative cards on the website which are pretty cool', 3045) 208 840
(‘SMendesMedia’, ‘RT @SMendesMedia: . @ShawnMendes’ part on l “Earth” 🌎 \n\n#WeLoveTheEarth (@lildickytweets)\n•', 2815) 238 1120
(‘kyzztin’, ‘RT @kyzztin: The whole concept of this is super dope. lil dicky really got so many huge artists to be part of this amazing project and give…’, 2641) 21 79
(‘kyzztin’, ‘RT @kyzztin: same energy #WeloveTheEarth', 2641) 10 27
(‘xKittyMendes’, ‘RT @xKittyMendes: SHAWN JEST NOSOROŻCEM\nJego od razu poznałam, bo z innymi miałam problem XD #WeLoveTheEarth', 2597) 48 426
(‘xKittyMendes’, ‘RT @xKittyMendes: Nie sądziłam, że potrzebuję usłyszeć z ust Shawna słowa horny XDD #WeLoveTheEarth', 2597) 326 1074
(‘kajagafelgaja’, ‘RT @kajagafelgaja: macie tu moją przemowe #WeLoveTheEarth', 2526) 1 0
(‘kajagafelgaja’, ‘RT @kajagafelgaja: czy to Was nie dociera że ta piosenka nie ma być dobra, tylko prosta, trafiająca do wszystkich i wpadająca w ucho? i moż…’, 2526) 30 32
(‘luvmyburito’, “RT @luvmyburito: głosy ariany i justina tak do siebie pasują ze i’m in shook\n#WeLoveTheEarth", 2520) 90 405
(‘lordefurler’, ‘RT @lordefurler: Sia did that! #WeLoveTheEarth', 2488) 4 26
(‘sinsnvices’, ‘RT @sinsnvices: utożsamiam się z brendonem #WeLoveTheEarth', 2478) 1646 3466
(‘kingoftheclout’, ‘RT @kingoftheclout: STOP SCROLLING AND WATCH THIS VIDEO‼️ please take some time out of your day to watch this video & possibly share it. it…’, 2124) 178 242
(‘izrnsrdn’, ‘RT @izrnsrdn: Justin Drew Bieber as a baboon \n#WeLoveTheEarth', 2034) 223 615
(‘marquezduo’, ‘RT @marquezduo: jakby ktoś się zastanawiał jak wygląda moje życie #WeLoveTheEarth', 1906) 582 1389
(‘5SecOfMendess’, ‘RT @5SecOfMendess: Ejjj ale mi się ta piosenka serio podoba i ma genialne przesłanie!💕\n#WeLoveTheEarth’, 1870) 8 35
(‘JBwakeup’, ‘RT @JBwakeup: Ogolnie to serio glos Justina i Ariany pasuja do siebie.. chce ich colab #WeLoveTheEarth’, 1842) 14 58
(‘MNotifiedMedia’, ‘RT @MNotifiedMedia: Shawn Mendes the Rhino🦏 #WeLoveTheEarth', 1805) 93 416
(‘MNotifiedMedia’, ‘RT @MNotifiedMedia: “we’re just some rhinos horny as heck” THE RHINOS ARE SO CUTE🦏 #WeLoveTheEarth', 1805) 175 647
(‘DOLANVVY’, ‘RT @DOLANVVY: Rozjebał mnie snoop dog jako marihuana, rola idealna dla niego\n #WeLoveTheEarth’, 1803) 44 140
(‘justinsbicep’, “RT @justinsbicep: I signed the petition. And you should too. Stream, donate and spread the message. Let’s save the earth. #WeLoveTheEarth h…”, 1772) 58 101
(‘purpxs3bizzle’, ‘RT @purpxs3bizzle: “O homem destrói a natureza com desculpa de sobreviver, a natureza luta para sobreviver para garantir a sobrevivência do…’, 1716) 144 224
(‘kba_yankee21’, ‘RT @kba_yankee21: Never thought I would tear up because of a Lil Dicky song. But here I am crying in a cool way. Feel free to visit https:/…’, 1674) 4 6
(‘beth_powell1’, ‘RT @beth_powell1: LETS SAVE THE PLANET #WeLoveTheEarth’, 1629) 1 0
(‘piggzyneedy’, ‘RT @piggzyneedy: i see so many people tweeting about saving the planet but i bet my whole life the majority of those people are only tweeti…’, 1577) 1 2
(‘particularangel’, ‘RT @particularangel: i mean we should all listen to this part specifically #WeLoveTheEarth', 1511) 1147 2259
(‘avisbelieberboy’, ‘RT @avisbelieberboy: De lo mejor que va del año #WeLoveTheEarth', 1367) 3 4
(‘biebrforro’, ‘RT @biebrforro: justin y ariana cantando juntos es lo mejor que puede existir #WeLoveTheEarth', 1352) 292 626
(‘shawnnsbabyy’, ‘RT @shawnnsbabyy: Il rinoceronte con la voce più bella del mondo🥰\n\n#WeLoveTheEarth', 1314) 2 6
(‘br_atd’, ‘RT @br_atd: O melhor porco gordo do universo !!!\n\n #WeLoveTheEarth', 1249) 1 1
(‘moarjustln’, “RT @moarjustln: can’t believe we listened to justin’s voice after months and I still in love \n#WeLoveTheEarth", 1216) 58 158
(‘AGPLOfficial’, ‘RT @AGPLOfficial: Nawet gdy jest zebrą, Ariana zawsze serwuje wokal! 🎶 #WeLoveTheEarth \n\nPosłuchaj utworu “Earth” z Arianą Grande i plejadą…’, 1152) 52 166
(‘xmendesly’, ‘RT @xmendesly: stream earth by lil dicky\n#WeLoveTheEarth’, 1129) 1 0
(‘sourdieselzain’, ‘RT @sourdieselzain: “I’m a fat fucking pig” no ja się tu poplacze zaraz \n#WeLoveTheEarth #EarthMusicVideo', 1048) 34 99
(‘MrtummyV’, ‘RT @MrtummyV: This is so cute!! aslskfjdkskskkskak\n#WeLoveTheEarth\n\n', 1005) 10 45
(‘ringsofmendes’, ‘RT @ringsofmendes: głos ari tutaj >>>>>>>>>\n#WeLoveTheEarth', 1005) 22 119
(‘chimmybby’, ‘RT @chimmybby: We Also Love The Sun 🌞\n#WeLoveTheEarth', 1004) 34 129
(‘PManice’, ‘RT @PManice: “I’m a koala and I sleep all the time. So what? It’s cute.” 😍 #WeLoveTheEarth', 979) 33 107
(‘awanasghena’, ‘RT @awanasghena: KATY IN TENDENZA IN ITALIA. PIANGO😭🔥❤️\n#ConCalmaRemix #WeLoveTheEarth', 895) 7 14
(‘opssmymendes’, ‘RT @opssmymendes: bardzo mi się podoba to, że można kupić merch i pieniądze z tego idą na ratowanie naszej planety #WeLoveTheEarth’, 849) 1 2
(‘opssmymendes’, ‘RT @opssmymendes: warto sobie wejść na stronę i poczytać o co chodzi z każdym zwierzęciem #WeLoveTheEarth’, 849) 84 112
('Sunfflower’, ‘RT @Sunfflower: TA PIOSENKA TO ZŁOTO I DIAMENTY\nOby jej przekaz nie skończył się tylko tylko na tym, że ludzie będą ją kojarzyli, bo spok…’, 784) 164 480
(‘jaguareffects’, ‘RT @jaguareffects: eu prestando atenção no áudio pra identificar cada artista\n\n#WeLoveTheEarth', 771) 253 380
(‘cerberusgrande’, ‘RT @cerberusgrande: wszyscy mówią jak bardzo chcieliby usłyszeć biebera i ariane (same), ale ja bym chciała usłyszeć ariana x halsey, którą…’, 759) 3 7
(‘suplisamanobal’, ‘RT @suplisamanobal: Not blackpink related but Lil dicky x justin bieber, ft ariana grande, and shawn mendes, also charlie puth, and sia and…’, 740) 2 6
(‘Yuuupthatsme’, ‘RT @Yuuupthatsme: Jestem pod wrażeniem, że lil dicky był w stanie pokazać tak poważny problem w taki przyjemny sposób\n#WeLoveTheEarth’, 669) 464 1256
(‘Yuuupthatsme’, ‘RT @Yuuupthatsme: TEGO SIĘ NIE SPODZIEWAŁAM XD\n#WeLoveTheEarth', 669) 70 316
(‘Yuuupthatsme’, ‘RT @Yuuupthatsme: Miałeś być żyrafą #WeLoveTheEarth', 669) 8 56
(‘thremptyworlds’, ‘RT @thremptyworlds: piosenka jest cudowna, tylko brakuje mi takiego momentu w ktorym wszyscy razem zaspiewaliby refren… #WeLoveTheEarth’, 629) 55 215
(‘typicalbizzzle’, ‘RT @typicalbizzzle: This song and music video had such a powerful and great message it. It’s a wake up call for the whole woltd to get the…’, 601) 694 1116
(‘liveforshawn02’, ‘RT @liveforshawn02: This is one of the most beautiful concepts for a video ever! I’m so proud and thankful of @shawnmendes❤️ @lildickytweet…’, 578) 1 3
(‘aurelialmao’, ‘RT @aurelialmao: Uważam, że tą piosenkę powinni znać wszyscy, bo może wtedy kogoś ruszy stan naszej planety #EarthMusicVideo #WeLoveTheEarth’, 572) 1 2
(‘jaileystation’, ‘RT @jaileystation: PERO USTEDES ESCUCHARON A ED SHEERAN SIENDO EL KOALA MAS TIERNO QUE EXISTE #WeLoveTheEarth', 546) 332 852
(‘athenajasvier’, ‘RT @athenajasvier: lil dicky is amazing #WeLoveTheEarth’, 546) 2 0
(‘llostinmyouth’, ‘RT @llostinmyouth: Ed versione koala è il mio stile di vita dal lunedì alla domenica #WeLoveTheEarth', 520) 11 34
(‘MercurySimons’, “RT @MercurySimons: everybody should be listening to this masterpiece, the planet really needs our help and it shouldn’t take a song with a…”, 516) 275 489
(‘realestbeach’, ‘RT @realestbeach: if y’all love the earth, start acting like it. pollution is real and y’all need to start taking it seriously!! #WeLoveTh…’, 504) 354 681
(‘Piatt_Futuro’, ‘RT @Piatt_Futuro: Edilizia motore di rigenerazione urbana. #4future #19aprile #fridaysforfuture ☀️ #WeLoveTheEarth\n’, 427) 4 5
(‘Piatt_Futuro’, ‘RT @Piatt_Futuro: Il nostro “ius soli”:\xa0 terra, suolo e prodotti agricoli 🇮🇹 nel mondo. #4future #19aprile #fridaysforfuture ☀️ #WeLoveTheE…’, 427) 2 4
(‘Piatt_Futuro’, “RT @Piatt_Futuro: L’ambiente è la leva dello sviluppo economico. #4future #19aprile #fridaysforfuture\n#WeLoveTheEarth\n…”, 427) 5 5
(‘Piatt_Futuro’, “RT @Piatt_Futuro: La persona al centro, l’ambiente intorno. #4future #19aprile ☀️ #fridaysforfuture #WeLoveTheEarth\n”, 427) 4 6
(‘Piatt_Futuro’, ‘RT @Piatt_Futuro: Meno gomma, più ferro: trasporti veloci sicuri e non inquinanti. #4future #19aprile #fridaysforfuture ☀️ #WeLoveTheEarth…’, 427) 5 6
(‘Piatt_Futuro’, ‘RT @Piatt_Futuro: Riscaldamento globale: soluzioni, non fake news! #4future #19aprile #fridaysforfuture ☀️ #WeLoveTheEarth\n…’, 427) 12 12
(‘Piatt_Futuro’, “RT @Piatt_Futuro: Più mercato e concorrenza per l’accesso di tutti\xa0 all’acqua, meno sprechi e inefficienze. #4future #19aprile #fridaysforf…”, 427) 1 1
(‘Piatt_Futuro’, “RT @Piatt_Futuro: Un grande sconto fiscale per l’ambiente! #4future #19aprile #fridaysforfuture ☀️ #WeLoveTheEarth\n”, 427) 4 6
(‘Piatt_Futuro’, ‘RT @Piatt_Futuro: Riciclo riuso e termocombustori: Italia pulita, meno malavita. #4future #19aprile #fridaysforfuture ☀️\n#WeLoveTheEarth\nht…’, 427) 4 8
(‘vanessaibanez*’, ‘RT @vanessaibanez*: artists using their platform to spread awareness, kudos!! stream the song #WeLoveTheEarth', 416) 1 1
(‘Adryelli_Godoi’, ‘RT @Adryelli_Godoi: Justin/ Babuíno: Nós vamos morrer?!\nLil Dicky: Sabe, Bieber nós podemos morrer. Eu não vou mentir pra você. Há muitas p…’, 387) 629 1095
(‘fayessflatline’, ‘RT @fayessflatline: This is some true shit #WeLoveTheEarth', 381) 8220 16514
(‘brian_prism’, ‘RT @brian_prism: #ConCalmaRemix & #WeLoveTheEarth\xa0 Tonight🔥', 348) 16 22
(‘Clausbelieberj’, ‘RT @Clausbelieberj: progetto meraviglioso, vederlo mi ha emozionata.\ncoinvolgere così tanti artisti per un buona causa è una cosa bellissim…’, 337) 14 68
(‘ver0017’, ‘RT @ver0017: oni doskonale wiedzą, że handwritten przyczyniło się do uratowania naszej planety #WeLoveTheEarth', 288) 9 42
(‘ver0017’, ‘RT @ver0017: ciekawi mnie na jakiej podstawie dobierali zwierzęta do artystów 😂🤔 #WeLoveTheEarth’, 288) 1 2
(‘dsakrv’, ‘RT @dsakrv: Lil Dicky - Earth (Official Music Video) via @YouTube #WeLoveTheEarth’, 239) 1 1
(‘CelebrityArticl’, ‘RT @CelebrityArticl: #ArianaGrande Opens Up About the Darkish Facet of Performing Her New #music “It Is Hell” #Singer #CelebrityNews #WeLov…’, 217) 3 2
(‘Ws_Vinicius’, ‘RT @Ws_Vinicius: O Brasil não foi esquecido no churrasco, Rio representando manooo, com os vocais da Ariana de fundo. QUE HINOOOOOOOO EU AM…’, 215) 224 516
(‘sevenyearsbiebs’, ‘RT @sevenyearsbiebs: oby wiadomość zawarta w piosence trafiła do dużej ilości osób, może dzięki temu świat zacznie się zmieniać na lepsze…’, 214) 546 1083
(‘ShawnDailyJP’, ‘RT @ShawnDailyJP: Lil Dickyの新曲・チャリティーソング「Earth」\nアリアナ・ジャスティン・カニエら名だたるアーティスト達と共にショーンも参加してます。\n是非聴いてみて下さい。\n#WeLoveTheEarth \n…’, 199) 1 6
(‘Joprojekt’, “RT @Joprojekt: #WeLoveTheEarth Dire que #LinkinPark a écrit deux albums magnifiques sur l’environnement (pas seulement) #AThousandSuns et #…”, 182) 1 3
(‘justinsmiIxs’, ‘RT @justinsmiIxs: “Ya sé que no todos somos iguales, pero vivimos en la misma tierra” \n”¿Vamos a morir?” \n"Sabes Bieber? No te voy a menti…’, 171) 530 762
(‘jujustinbieeber’, ‘RT @jujustinbieeber: Que la canción y el video no se quede solo un momento y creamos conciencia del daño que hacemos a los animales, al pla…’, 167) 115 178
(‘sgxjbstylesoft’, ‘RT @sgxjbstylesoft: la voz de todos esos artistas tan talentosos ha quedado perfecta, amo que se hayan juntando para dejar ese mensaje tan…’, 156) 2 1
(‘jestemzajeta’, ‘RT @jestemzajeta: uzbierane pieniądze trafiają na fundację Leonardo DiCaprio, która ratuje naszą planetę \n#WeLoveTheEarth’, 143) 504 1218
(‘jestemzajeta’, ‘RT @jestemzajeta: Shawn jest nosorożecem\nHalsey lwiątkiem\nCharlie Puth żyrafą\nEd Sheeran koalą\nSia kangurem \nmiley słoniem \nAriana zebrą \nK…’, 143) 126 408
(‘itszGabbs’, ‘RT @itszGabbs: OUÇAM EARTH! O clipe é o incrível, a música mais ainda e todo dinheiro arrecadado com a música será doado para a instituição…’, 105) 72 105
(‘Clem_rocher’, ‘RT @Clem_rocher: Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, Wiz Khalifa, Shawn Mendes, Ed Sheeran, Rita Ora… de nombreux artistes se mobilisent autour…’, 99) 30 54
(‘OursPooh’, ‘RT @OursPooh: we love the earth, it is our planet\nwe love the earth, it is our home #WeLoveTheEarth', 98) 85 263
(‘soulsfiend’, ‘RT @soulsfiend: mais les gens qui sont là à se plaindre «\xa0gngngn j’aime pas la chanson\xa0» vous pouvez connecter vos 2 neurones 2 secondes ?…’, 82) 24 35
(‘introandrew’, ‘RT @introandrew: #WeLoveTheEarth é un progetto molto importante,oltre ad essere una canzone,vuole lanciare un messaggio,il SALVARE LA TERRA…’, 81) 53 119
(‘twentysevenmoon’, ‘RT @twentysevenmoon: i recommend you guys go watch Our Planet on netflix. it made me cry and i hope it motivates you to take action on savi…’, 75) 106 274
(‘camillazambett2’, ‘RT @camillazambett2: Spero che con questa collaborazione arrivi a tutti il messaggio di salvare la Terra!🌍❤️\n #WeLoveTheEarth…’, 74) 3 0
(‘bemybizzle*’, “RT @bemybizzle*: Justin and Ariana they both sounds so damn good it’s just wow !!!!\n#WeLoveTheEarth", 67) 762 1911
(‘xjbtalentedx’, ‘RT @xjbtalentedx: Yo podría ver y ver éste vídeo nunca me aburriría… ♡\n\n#WeLoveTheEarth', 58) 63 171
('alfredo30’, ‘RT @alfredo30: Questa canzone è bellissima.\nSperiamo riesca a sensibilizzare più persone possibili su questo enorme pericolo 🌍\n#WeLoveT…’, 55) 4 7
(‘protectmayne’, ‘RT @protectmayne: Earth se tornou minha música preferida junto com o clipe \nisso simplesmente por passar uma mensagem forte pra gente, eu e…’, 40) 294 562
(‘fabiannn29’, ‘RT @fabiannn29: Me encantaría tanto que esta canción fuera #1 no solo en USA o UK si no en muchos países del mundo. Ojalá que le den el…’, 37) 5 8
(‘4miraizat’, ‘RT @4miraizat: ed sheeran(and koala) is my spirit animal #WeLoveTheEarth', 28) 68 181
(‘LILG96958980’, ‘RT @LILG96958980: Me on my way to save the earth after bobbing to the song for a straight hour \n#WeLoveTheEarth', 24) 1224 3448
(‘KeyNarumi’, ‘RT @KeyNarumi: Ini keren sumpah. Pesannya tuh bener bikin lo mikir apa aja yg udah lo lakuin untuk Bumi Kita dengan visual yang menyenangka…’, 18) 1 0
(‘Yuberli_Rosario’, ‘RT @Yuberli_Rosario: “Todos estos tiroteos, la contaminación. Nos atacamos a nosotros mismos. Vamos a relajarnos, respeta lo que construimo…’, 17) 24 54
(‘bieber_najaFC’, ‘RT @bieber_najaFC: Com o coração quentinho depois de ver que realmente tem pessoas que se importam com o nosso planeta. #WeLoveTheEarth htt…’, 14) 26 69
(‘khaliqhaiqal*’, ‘RT @khaliqhaiqal*: Marvel : “Avengers Endgame is gonna be the most ambitious crossover event in history”\n\nLil Dicky : hold my beer\n@lildi…’, 13) 2151 5487
(‘martyydg’, ‘RT @martyydg: Semplicemente MERAVIGLIOSO #WeLoveTheEarth', 12) 2 2
(‘biebermylife946’, ‘RT @biebermylife946: Salviamo il posto in cui viviamo,acquistando la canzone daremo una speranza. #WeLoveTheEarth', 12) 2 2
(‘Malikjvvd’, ‘RT @Malikjvvd: Uwuuu uwuuuuuu\n#WeLoveTheEarth', 1) 64 208

9. Analyzing used languages

🕵️‍♀️ Our table tells us that:

  • Lil Dicky's followers reacted the most — 42.4% of his followers liked his first tweet.
  • Even if celebrities like Katy Perry and Ellen have a huuge Twitter following, their followers hardly reacted, e.g., only 0.0098% of Katy's followers liked her tweet.
  • While Leo got the most likes and retweets in terms of counts, his first tweet was only liked by 2.19% of his followers.

The large differences in reactions could be explained by the fact that this was Lil Dicky's music video. Leo still got more traction than Katy or Ellen because he played some major role in this initiative.

Can we find some more interesting patterns in the data? From the text of the tweets, we could spot different languages, so let's create a frequency distribution for the languages.

# Extracting language for each tweet and appending it to the list of languages
tweets_languages = []
for tweet in tweets: 

# Plotting the distribution of languages
%matplotlib inline
Expand Output
  (array([303., 107.,  22.,  14.,  36.,  32.,   3.,   2.,   1.,   2.]),
   array([ 0. ,  1.3,  2.6,  3.9,  5.2,  6.5,  7.8,  9.1, 10.4, 11.7, 13. ]),
   <BarContainer object of 10 artists>)


10. Final thoughts

🕵️‍♀️ The last histogram tells us that:

  • Most of the tweets were in English.
  • Polish, Italian and Spanish were the next runner-ups.
  • There were a lot of tweets with a language alien to Twitter (lang = 'und').

Why is this sort of information useful? Because it can allow us to get an understanding of the "category" of people interested in this topic (clustering).

What an exciting journey it has been! We started almost clueless, and here we are.. rich in insights.

From location based comparisons to analyzing the activity around a tweet to finding patterns from languages and devices, we have covered a lot today — let's give ourselves a well-deserved pat on the back!

Magic Formula = Data + Python + Creativity + Curiosity

"Does owning an Apple compared to Andorid influences people's propensity towards this trend?"

  • From the looks of the current tweet trends, we see more tweets from iPhone than Android.
  • device_os = []
    for tweet in tweets: 
        if 'android' in tweet['source']:
            os = 'Android'
            os = 'iPhone'
    # Plotting the distribution of languages
    %matplotlib inline
    d = Counter(device_os),d.values())


    Kishan Mistri
    Kishan Mistri
    Senior DevOps Engineer

    My interest includes designing and deploying large-scale systems while automating small tasks & micro designs. In my extra time, I would like to solve day-to-day data science problems, efficiently deploy, scale & manage ML to convert them to my pet projects or just read about the progress of ML.